Win's Scrapbook - 8 januari 2008
Hillary Clinton vs Barack Obama. Go Obama!
Win är arg och bekymrad! Såhär skriver han i efterdyningarna av Hillary Clintons seger i primärvalet i New Hampshire den gångna natten.
good god please don't buy it
I am watching Hillary Clinton in her victory speech in new Hampshire...they just threw a bunch of college kids behind her, and had her talk about student loans, and had her daughter come out for a long awkward hug...does anyone actually buy it? Surely young people are too media savy to be fooled by this kind of shit.
do we live in a democracy so we can just keep electing the same families?
Barack is the first candidate in my lifetime to strip some of this bullshit away, and I just hope we don't blow this chance.
man if we miss this opportunity we don't deserve bad does it have to get?
I am watching Hillary Clinton in her victory speech in new Hampshire...they just threw a bunch of college kids behind her, and had her talk about student loans, and had her daughter come out for a long awkward hug...does anyone actually buy it? Surely young people are too media savy to be fooled by this kind of shit.
do we live in a democracy so we can just keep electing the same families?
Barack is the first candidate in my lifetime to strip some of this bullshit away, and I just hope we don't blow this chance.
man if we miss this opportunity we don't deserve bad does it have to get?
Jag sa här om dagen till en kompis att jag verkligen hoppas Barack Obama vinner och det gör ju helt tydligt Win också. Bara att hoppas att amerikanarna inte faller för Hillarys bullshit. De borde fatta bättre!